Monday, November 17, 2008

A billionaire wife naked photo, his wife works of art themselves

Olga upper body naked in bed with quill in the stomach to write.


Sergei-rodionofu and his wife

Russian billionaire wife of nude photo

According to the British "Sunday Times" reported on the 16th, many of the super-rich Russia will be a variety of ways to show off their wealth, to spend some money to buy a private jet, luxury yachts, while others spend money to buy the world's most expensive luxury villas . However, it also did not expect to dream that the Russian billionaire Sergei-rodionofu Xianbai own in order to have a beautiful wife, has invited well-known French photographer for the 34-year-old wife, Olga took a group full of Pornography according to means of nudity. The Russian billionaire's wife naked album was recently published, many people are too stunned Russia.

Beautiful wife to be proud of

It is reported that the naked album called "The Book of Olga," Olga put in the book are a variety of provocative sexual positions nude photos, Tanxionglouru have a lot of photos, and even naked. Some photos of Olga looks like a mad woman abuse, some of the photos showed her and other women or not her husband embrace a man with pornography put on the position.

Some very conservative business partners have said Sergei, his wife and other men with nude shot, has become "adultery", but the 47-year-old Sergei shrugged it, Yagen do not care about other people's "advice "Or criticism. Sergei said: "I said to his wife, people will always be the voice of criticism subsided, but the nude, however, continue to keep it permanently. When she was 90 years old when they see these photos, she would be pleased to think: 'look, I have a beautiful woman, however. 'I am really proud of her. "

Stepford Wives they are works of art

In fact, this is not the first time Olga stripped naked as a nude shot, she was the last of the Russian version of the male sex magazines "Playboy" and "mezzanine" as photographed naked. Olga explained: "I think a beautiful display of nudity, is a very good thing."

Her husband on his naked into the album of the press, Aoerjiasi not feel embarrassed or angry, quite the contrary, she pleased her own nude known as "works of art." Olga said: "He's very fond of these photographic art, I love him very much. He called me like 'Galatia' This is the ancient Greek artist Pygmalion creation of the sculpture of a girl's name, which he loved On the sculpture, and Greek goddess Aphrodite desire to give girls the sculpture to life. "


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